West Gosford Late Night Chemist
We are here to help you and your family with any health needs, questions, or advice. Our skilled and experience team are always available to ensure you and your family’s health is at its optimum.
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By participating in this program, our pharmacy offers subsidised medications when a CTG script is presented. PBS medications charges are reduced from the general price (e.g.. $40.00) to the concessional price (eg $6.00). For patients who have a current Centrelink, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) concession or a safety net card, all PBS medications are available free of charge. Brand price premium still applies should an original brand is preferred.
Over the counter medications and medications that are not under PBS are not currently included in the CTG program and will be charged full price.
We are here to help you and your family with any health needs, questions, or advice. Our skilled and experience team are always available to ensure you and your family’s health is at its optimum.